
Showing posts from December, 2021

Different Types of Weighbridges Explained

  Weighbridges , as the name suggests, are specifically constructed structures designed to measure the weight of heavy loading vehicles. Any business with logistics requirements has a need for a weighbridge. There are different types of weighbridges available, each suitable for different requirements. Let’s take a look at all the types of weighbridges, with their advantages and disadvantages. There are three major types of weighbridges: -          Above ground or pitless weighbridge -          Semi-pit weighbridge -          In-ground weighbridge or pit weighbridge Then there are some variations of these weighbridges which we’ll describe later. Let’s understand what makes these three weighbridges different and why. Above-ground or pitless weighbridges In places where there is no lack of space, the pitless weighbridge is preferred. Pitless refers to...

The Difference Between Portable and Static rail Weighbridges

  Weighing heavy vehicles is a difficult yet important task to ensure the safety and efficiency of the transportation and logistics process. While trucks and other road vehicles are easily maneuverable, when it comes to trains, things can get a little tricky. Railway in motion weighbridges are the preferred way of weighing trains. There are two types of weighbridges that have different advantages and some limitations as well. The two major types of rail weighbridges are -          Portable rail weighbridge -          Static rail weighbridge Let’s look at the difference between portable and static rail weighbridges.   Portable rail weighbridge As the name suggests, portable railweighbridges are portable weighbridges that can be taken to different locations. These are mobile units and can be placed under the tracks without too much construction or special types of equipment and provid...

Truck Weighbridges – How to Choose the Best One For Your Needs

  Truck weighbridges are some of the most essential parts of most logistics and goods businesses. But as the business expands, these truck weighing systems are weighing scales are being needed in different businesses as well. When it comes to variety, there are three major types of weighing scales for trucks. All three types offer some advantages and some disadvantages. It is therefore important to choose the best one based on your requirements. Here are the three types of truckweighing scales and which one is the best for your needs. Pit weighbridge Pitless weighbridge Semi-pit weighbridge Foundationless weighbridge   Pit weighbridge: These weighbridges are constructed under the ground, and hence are called pit weighbridges because they require a pit to work. A trench is excavated and the machinery is set inside the pit. Why is this preferred? Pit weighbridges are perfect for sites where the space for operation is less. These weighbridges can be constructed ...

Top 5 Reasons why you need a weighbridge

  If you own any business that requires any form of transportation, then having a weighbridge is one of the most important requirements to operate your business efficiently and effectively. Since the demand for every product has increased so much, weighbridges are not just limited to companies dealing with manufacturing processes or logistics. So why is it so important to have a weighbridge solution ? Here are the top 5 reasons why you need a weighbridge for your business. It saves time Having a weighbridge increases the speed of all the processes. So instead of measuring the goods separately and then loading them on the vehicle, the process of loading and measuring the vehicle is combined. This saves a lot of time and speeds up the process.   It saves money Saving time is directly related to saving money. Since the process of weighing with a weighbridge is automatic, it reduces the labor cost. This combined with an increased working speed and efficiency reduces operat...