The Difference Between Portable and Static rail Weighbridges


Weighing heavy vehicles is a difficult yet important task to ensure the safety and efficiency of the transportation and logistics process. While trucks and other road vehicles are easily maneuverable, when it comes to trains, things can get a little tricky.

Railway in motion weighbridges are the preferred way of weighing trains. There are two types of weighbridges that have different advantages and some limitations as well. The two major types of rail weighbridges are

-         Portable rail weighbridge

-         Static rail weighbridge

Let’s look at the difference between portable and static rail weighbridges.


Portable rail weighbridge

As the name suggests, portable railweighbridges are portable weighbridges that can be taken to different locations. These are mobile units and can be placed under the tracks without too much construction or special types of equipment and provide accurate measurement data.

These weighbridges are used to measure the weight of trains that cannot be maneuvered to a shed or a specific location. As it can be fixed anywhere on the track, it is also considered as one of the most convenient, easy, and accurate methods of weighing rail freight.

Static rail weighbridge

Static rail weighbridges are permanent rail weighbridges that require specialized construction, a permanent shed along other specialized tools for operation. This weighbridge is used when the loaded train or bogey can be maneuvered into the shed. This is a static weighbridge, meaning that it cannot weigh moving trains.

These weighbridges are usually constructed at the factory site or the place where loading is done. Static weighbridges are generally expensive to construct since it requires a lot of space and integration. But these weighbridges are extremely well-optimized to measure accurate weight.

What’s the need for rail weighbridges?

Railway in motion weighbridges are more important than you can imagine, especially in India where railway transport and logistics are such an important part of the economy. In transportation, loading the transport vehicle, the train, in this case, is not only important for profits, but also for safety.

When it comes to the transportation of large quantities of goods, a small error in the weight can lead to large losses. There is reduced efficiency and over multiple trips, the amount of goods transported becomes lesser and lesser, causing losses. This is the case when the train is underweight. But what happens when it is overweight?

The risk of safety comes when the train is overloaded. Not only can it cause damage to the products in case any accident occurs, but it can also claim lives. This is why having a weighbridge is so important. Portable or static completely depends on the needs of the business. To get the best rail weighbridge, choose the best rail weighbridge manufacturerin India, Essae Digitronics, and save losses to earn more profits. Visit: 


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