5 Reasons to Choose Weigh-In Motion Weighbridges
Weigh-in-Motion weighbridges are widely in use in transport, agriculture, ports, mining, forestry and other industries. Here are the five reasons to choose weigh-in motion systems.
1. Productivity Gains
Weigh in motion weigh bridges don't require
the vehicle to be stopped to do the weighing. They can move at reduced speed
while the vehicle is automatically weighed and data recorded. This is done very quickly and improves
productivity. This prevents queues in front of weigh bridges. Use of
weigh-in-motion weigh bridges are critical in ports where congestion can lead
to delay in booking cargoes.
2. Detecting Overloaded Vehicles
Overloaded vehicles can be easily detected
using a weigh-in motion bridge. Overloading can lead to increase in cost of
operations due to penalties and fines. Wear and tear of vehicle, fuel costs
also go up when the vehicle is overloaded. Early detection of overloaded
vehicles by the operator can prevent cost of operations from going up.
3. Improve Efficiency
Overloading or underloading of a vehicle
can lead to operational inefficiencies causing loss to business. Weigh-in
motion weigh bridges allow seamless weighing of vehicles as they leave the
premises. Optimising the weights in cargo can lead to productivity gains and
4. Integration with Other Equipment
Weigh in motion weigh bridges can be
connected to CCTV cameras, traffic lights, control barriers, ERP systems that
enable automatic data capture and retrieval. Integration with ERP systems
provide interface with the company's computers, LAN or the internet. This
enables fleet operators with comprehensive data management enabling analysis,
reporting and interventions where required.
5.Cost Effective
Installation costs are lesser for weigh-in
motion compared to static weighing systems. They are less costly to implement,
consumes less power and thereby leading to corporate operators and fleet
managers. Increased automation and less labour requirements improve the
productivity of the company. Drivers are alerted if the load is less or more.
When large number of vehicles have to move from the factory premises, weigh-in
motion ensures quicker measurements. Only a shallow pit is required for
installation of the weigh bridge and this also leads to cost savings for the
When companies operate from multiple environments, vehicles moving from one
destination to the other needs to be checked for reconciliation of dispatched
and received goods. A centralized system effectively manages dispatched and
received data. Snapshots of vehicles going out and coming in are received in
the system which also captures the number plates, challan or token numbers for
further verification and for audit. The snapshots capture vehicle numbers, driver,
materials and weighbridge.
Compared to manual weighing systems that can lead to inaccuracies in noting
data, automated systems seamlessly capture different data points without the
need for human intervention at any stage.
Essae Digitronics offers
mobile axle weigh bridges that can weigh loads ranging from 1 to 50 tons per
axle. It requires less civil work and gives accuracy up to 0.1%. The weigh
bridges have load cells that are compact, rugged and hermetically sealed to
provide longer life for load cell.
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